Wednesday, 16 January 2008


Finally, my first post of the year. This took me a long time to get started-- blogging I mean. I have considered this several times over the past year but I just wouldn't or couldn't take the time to sit down and, well, write something. So now, influenced and encouraged by family and friends- oh, and of course, the start of a new year- this blog came to be.

A new year includes:- new responsibilities, new interests, new dreams, new things-- I could go on and on, but heck, you get the idea. =) Anyhoo, I want to thank God again for bringing me and my family through '07 where there were times when we rejoiced and times when we mourned.

Since it is the start of the new year-- disregarding the fact that it is the 16th January (16 days late, haa)-- I made some resolutions that I do hope to keep. One of them (which made me start a blog) was suggested by dad; he was saying that: "You know, we should keep a diary and write about what we learn during our daily devotions every morning so that we can share them at night during family time." or something along the lines of that, so I did, not everyday though. That was resolution No. 1. No. 2 was to finish reading the bible this year because this was something I have never been able to accomplish so I am determined to do it this year. No. 3 was to study hard as it is my last year of school and I want to get a scholarship to help support me financially for when I'm in uni. No. 4 was to get a part-time job so that I'll be able to get the experience and the extra-pocket money from it because I don't want to keep depending on mum and dad for stuff- which btw, I'm happy to announce that I have a job! Whoot! More on that later, lemme get through this list of resolutions first, haha. No. 5 was to draw and cg more costhenicansellthemandearnmoneyandatthesametimeidgettomeetlotsa
coolartistsandmydreamistoworkatPixaranimationstudios! Tad sorry about that, I got a bit too excited; thinking too far into the future. For now, I gotta focus on things at hand like VCE (equivalent to SPM/STPM) eek! Please pray for me!!

A shorter vers. of my resolutions:-
(mostly for my own reference)
  1. Keep a diary/blog and update often
  2. Finish the bible this year
  3. Study real hard and get 'A+'s in all my assignments (eek!)
  4. Get a part-time job (completed)
  5. Improve in my art skills so I can get work for Pixar Animation Studios or Dreamworks animation studios

I'll make it a point to update this every week, if not, every month
(just pester me long enough and I will, because I'm lazy, k?)

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