I've always loved Disney's Hunchback of Notre-Dame. I had an urge one day to watch the movie so I googled and download it (boys and girls, please rent/buy the DVD). The Hunchback of Notre-Dame was probably the darkest, 'adult' movie made by Disney. It contains themes of lust, hell, social injustice (prejudice) and murder. Back when I first watched it (when I was around 7/8) I didn't really understand the deeper 'issues' the movie focuses on...but now that I've re-watched it, my view of this movie has changed- not in a bad way, rather, in a way where I watch/listen in awe of how the producers tell this wonderful tale.
'Hellfire' (video above) is a perfect example of the producers' incredible story telling. Judge Claude Frollo, the antagonist of the film sings about his infatuation, lust and hate for Esmeralda; convinced he's under her 'black spell'. He hallucinates: a fiery silhouette (Esmeralda), foreboding shadows, monks in red cloaks (most probably his conscience) - Desire/Hate, Good/Bad, Salvation/hell?? - ahhh, this is probably my favourite part of the movie!
Why I like the song so much? Because of the way it was done: Frollo's baritone voice against the Confiteor which contrasts with what Frollo actually sings (see below). Frollo blames his lust for Esmeralda on the spell she has supposedly cast - 'it's not my fault, I'm not to blame!'. But he know that deep down in his conscience (represented by the red-cloaked monks), he knows that that's not true - "mea culpa, mea maxima culpa (through my fault, through my grievous fault)". Ultimately, he reaches a conclusion: to let her burn on the pyre or to keep Esmeralda to himself. It is only near the end of the song when the chanting and Frollo's plea become similar - "God have mercy on her" (Kyrie Eleison - Lord have mercy), "God have mercy on me" (Kyrie Eleison - Lord have mercy). I think it's a wonderfully crafted song...and I hope you'll enjoy the thought and effort the song writer and composer put into a mere 3 minutes of screen-time.
- Priests
- Confiteor Deo Omnipotenti (I confess to God almighty)
- Beatae Mariae semper Virgini (To blessed Mary ever Virgin)
- Beato Michaeli archangelo (To the blessed archangel Michael)
- Sanctis apostolis omnibus sanctis (To the holy apostles, to all the saints)
- Frollo
- Beata Maria
- You know I am a righteous man
- Of my virtue I am justly proud
- Priests
- Et tibit Pater (And to you, Father)
- Frollo
- Beata Maria
- You know I'm so much purer than
- The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd
- Priests
- Quia peccavi nimis (That I have sinned)
- Frollo
- Then tell me, Maria
- Why I see her dancing there
- Why her smold'ring eyes still scorch my soul
- Priests
- Cogitatione (In thought)
- Frollo
- I feel her, I see her
- The sun caught in raven hair
- Is blazing in me out of all control
- Priests
- Verbo et opere (In word and deed)
- Frollo
- Like fire
- Hellfire
- This fire in my skin
- This burning
- Desire
- Is turning me to sin
- It's not my fault
- Priests
- Mea culpa (Through my fault)
- Frollo
- I'm not to blame
- Priests
- Mea culpa (Through my fault)
- Frollo
- It is the gypsy girl
- The witch who sent this flame
- Priests
- Mea maxima culpa (Through my most griveous fault)
- Frollo
- It's not my fault
- Priests
- Mea culpa (Through my fault)
- Frollo
- If in God's plan
- Priests
- Mea culpa (Through my fault)
- Frollo
- He made the devil so much
- Stronger than a man
- Priests
- Mea maxima culpa (Through my most griveous fault)
- Frollo
- Protect me, Maria
- Don't let this siren cast her spell
- Don't let her fire sear my flesh and bone
- Destroy Esmeralda
- And let her taste the fires of hell
- Or else let her be mine and mine alone
- Guard
- Minister Frollo, the gypsy has escaped
- Frollo
- What?
- Guard
- No longer in the cathedral. She's gone
- Frollo
- But how? Never mind. Get out, you idiot
- I'll find her. I'll find her if I have to burn down all of Paris
- Hellfire
- Dark fire
- Now gypsy, it's your turn
- Choose me or
- Your pyre
- Be mine or you will burn
- Priests
- Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy)
- Frollo
- God have mercy on her
- Priests
- Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy)
- Frollo
- God have mercy on me
- Priests
- Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy)
- Frollo
- But she will be mine
- Or she will burn!
Btw, baritone voices are sexy... (O.O)
GL out
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