Tuesday, 29 March 2011


I thought it was about time to get my act together and update my blog!

So another year has gone by. The Labour Party with Julia Gillard as PM has been doing okay...not too many qualms about it so far. But we shall see. We shall see. PTL that the Coalition (the lesser of two evils) has won the recent New South Wales state elections!

I finished my 2nd yr of my 3-yr Health Science degree with above average results (yay!); I also managed to get a job at one of my favourite retail stores – Esprit! Again, all blessings from Him above! PTL! 2010's AYC has been spectacular! Visiting Brisbane and Gold Coast was an amazing experience. The weather was lovely, reminded me of Malaysia. The people were equally amazing! It was also the first time in a long time I've been to such a spiritually rewarding and refreshing camp. The last one being the prayer camp in '06 in Mukah (remember?) Coming back from camp, I've been challenged to re-examine areas in my life that needed a huge revamp; namely in my attitude and conduct as a Christian in my own home/family.
I think, like most people (might just be me), as a Christian...especially one that’s always under public scrutiny – youth leaders, mentors, role models etc – I tended be all ‘goodly’ and ‘right’ and ‘holy’ in front of church members and leaders, the other youths, in front of my friends… I say all the 'right stuff': I can give perfect, sound, quotable advice; I can walk the talk and do it so well that even professional models get jealous; heck I’m the Number #1 ICHIBAN example of a Christian there ever was!††

However, when I'm at home and free from scrutiny, I don't do the Godliest things. I know… *hangs head in shame* I say degrading things to my sibling; I try my utmost to be unhelpful at all times†††; I am an impatient twit; I throw terrible tantrums (Childish much? Yeah, I think so too); I -- well, I think you get the picture: I am not the most lovable, adoring sister or daughter to have around.

But slowly, by God's grace, mercy and much prompting of the Spirit, I came to a realization that this needed to change if I was to live a life that totally glorifies God and pleases Him, I have to live a holy life. And thus began my pursuit of holiness (PoH) for 2011 and beyond.

I am grateful to God for speaking through situations and people that helped me continue once more my PoH. I say ‘continue’ because my spiritual growth has been quite stagnant these past few years and now, finally has it been starting to angle up again. This started when a sister-in-Christ suggested that we (a couple of the girls in the junior youth and English youth) do a weekly bible study based on the book ‘The Pursuit of Holiness’ by Jerry Bridges as a continuation of 2010’s AYC theme of ‘Holy, Wholly Holy’. I signed up right away. It was going to be a new experience for the organiser and for the attendees as it was the first time we’ve done something like this. But we put a bold foot forward and stuck with it (with God’s help of course) and boy oh boy, eight weeks, four lessons later, I’m loving it!

I found a renewed sense of hunger and yearning for His word and for holier living. There have been ups and downs in my journey but hey, at least I’m growing! I find myself more conscious of what I do, say and think.

I want to do the things that please Him.

There are about five or six more lessons to go. I will start updating more often with how I’m going. In the interim, go do something really helpful and buy a copy of ‘The Pursuit of Holiness’ for yourself!!

And I shall leave you with this:
But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy’.
1 Peter 1:15-16


†† It was just an exaggeration of how I was. Honest!
††† Again, an exaggeration. I ain’t that bad…that’s not the point. Point is. I’m not that lovable at home.

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