Thursday, 12 August 2010

The opposite of homosexuality is NOT heterosexuality

A very interesting article I'd like to share. Haven't you noticed? There are so much more talks and debates going on about gay marriage, gay rights etc etc leading up to the elections. In a society so focused on being politically correct, I am always at a lost as to how I should approach this looming issue as a Christian. Most the time I try to avoid it.

Many Christians I know suggest the 'loving the sinner, hating the sin' approach and that we are to just love them and let them be because they 'can't help it'; a view which I supported...until now...

This article by a former homosexual and is by no means trying to get Christians to hate homosexuals nor is it accepting of homosexuality BUT it serves as a 'wake-up' call for us Christians of what we and the Church should be doing.

Anyway, I encourage you all to read the article in its entirety!

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