Friday, 18 December 2009

Merimbula Fishing Trip

This is officially the first day here at Merimbula (a small, beautiful coastal town in New South Wales). I can say, the journey here was very...taxing - it was meant to be a 7+hr car trip but we ended up taking about 10++ hours!! The reason? A bushfire on route to Merimbula. So we were stopped by officers and told to either turn back or take a detour around the area: we opted for the detour...and it was a rather perilous detour I might add. Not joking. This detour also destroyed what little trust I have left for Susan - our very unreliable GPS. She took us to a "shorter" and more dangerous route though hills/mountains with only dirt for tracks! Dad nearly lost control of the 4WD at on stage and that was pretty scary. But after that section which lasted for 2 hrs, we I got pretty bored and started taking photos.It's not fog, but SMOG (from the bushfires...)

I made her pick her nose

The 4-star inn we're staying in.

It's is pretty good AND cheap!

The next day, we didn't really get up to much - woke up at around 9...went for a stroll through town around 11...lunch...then watched volleyball (Italy vs Japan - GO JAPAN!) on TV...and then we went fishing at around 3. Did not catch ANY fish. Not that there weren't any, just that they were too small and would flee every time I jerked up the fishing rod; only dad was successful - he caught 2!! Basically, NOTHING interesting today...meh...I'll let the photos tell the story...haha.

We'll be going off to Eden tomorrow morning to catch somemore fish. I hope that I'll catch something this time...and I promise, MORE PHOTOS! Till then, GL out.

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