Thursday, 30 April 2009

Praise God!!

I went and got my first assignment back today. I was nervous; anticipating the worst - FAIL.

It did not help when I knew it wasn't the best of my work because it was totally last minute work (woke up at 5 to finish it, didn't, so I had to skip 2 lectures on the morning it was due to). BUT that wasn't the worst part. Heck no...I was just about to save the word doc. into my usb stick to print off and somehow my $2000 notebook replaced my new, completed document with my old, uncompleted version. THE NEW DOCUMENT WAS GONE. Imagine! IMAGINE what I was feeling then. It was probably a mix between shock horror and speechlessness. I couldn't even bring myself to tear. You'd better redeem yourself, notebook. Seriously. (Or I'll chuck you away and stomp on you then I'll get a macbook.)

I somehow managed to compose myself and began feverously typing up the missing paragraphs, citing what needed to be cited, checked that I got the dates and quotes correct for the reference list etc etc. Finally, I trudged over to the Faculty of Health, Medicine, Nursing & Behavioural Sciences building - omniously known as Building Y *insert forboding music*- signed the plagarism sheet and watched my pathetic attempt at university level assignment slide down the tube...

Fast track 3 weeks - All I can say is PRAISE GOD!! I got 14.5 over 15 for this measly attempt!! I'm still surprised...I remember telling this to my mum the night I handed in my assignment, naturally, I was full of God...(we always blame God for bad things that happen to us...mmm...something to think about...) and mum told me (I'm paraphrasing) - "Well, God knows what He's doing, and I'm sure it was for the better". You know, I find it funny that EVERYTHING my parents say ARE CORRECT (or will be correct). God is truly amazing...

I've got another assignment due in less than 2 weeks. I've learnt my lesson; no more slacking; no more last minute work; no more lazing around (actually, I should be starting on my assignment now...not blogging D:)

On another note, THE NEW WACOM INTUOS 4 IS OUT!!
Come, lets drool together at this sleek beauty. :D

1 comment:

phebe said...

ya..God has been teaching me trust a lot too..when u're stressed out again next time, think of His faithfulness. If you have time, (but don't use this as an excuse to procrastinate), do write more about your uni life, and possibly post some photos? hehe.. =) praying for ya~